Make A Gift

Supporting SongFest

SongFest students enjoying a moment in between concerts and masterclasses

SongFest students enjoying a moment in between concerts and masterclasses

We would be happy to share with you what your support can mean for SongFest.

phone: (310) 384-3706

Any donation, large or small, advances SongFest's mission to promote the art of song through education, performances, commissioning of new music, and audience engagement. Your contributions constitute the essential foundation for SongFest's innovative programming and its Art Song Institute.

In appreciation of your support, we are pleased to offer many opportunities during the festival to deepen your connection to the music and the artists. Please, visit the Membership Benefits page to learn more about our donor programs.



THANK YOU to all of our contributors!

SongFest is a California 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
All donations are 100% fully tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.