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Master Class on songs set to Dickinson poetry with Sanford Sylvan

  • Thayer Hall, Colburn School 200 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA (map)

Thayer Hall, June 7, 9:15-11:30 am
Sanford Sylvan
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

There came a wind like a bugle
Twelve Songs of Emily Dickinson
Aaron Copland
Victoria Erickson, mezzo-soprano
Erika Tazawa, piano

The world feels dusty
Twelve Songs of Emily Dickinson
Aaron Copland
Kelsey Lauritano, mezzo-soprano
Michal Biel, piano

I felt a funeral in my brain
Twelve Songs of Emily Dickinson
Aaron Copland
Ashlee Bickley, mezzo-soprano
Marika Yasuda, piano

On This Wondrous Sea
Craig Urquhart
Chris Remkus, tenor
Seonmi Lee, Piano

I Never Saw a Moor
Richard Pearson Thomas
Amanda Austin, soprano
Taylor Hutchinson, piano

The sun kept setting
How Well I Knew the Light
Jake Heggie
(b. 1961)
Alize Rozsnyai, soprano
Seonmi Lee, piano


As imperceptibly as grief
Three Dickinson Songs
André Previn
(b. 1929)
Page Michels, soprano
Erika Tazawa, piano

"If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can warm me I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only way I know it. Is there any other way?” -Emily Dickinson